Robbie supports individuals to overcome darkness, & live a joyful, fulfilling, purpose filled life.

Through spiritual mentorship, energy work and ceremony, Robbie helps people find their direct connection with Spirit, Mother Earth, and their True Self.

They’re trying so hard to change, and they are doing everything “they should”, but it’s just not quite “working”.

I understand what it’s like, working hard to change, and to break the patterns of the past.

The common reasons people are drawn to my work:
  • Feeling disconnected from Spirit
  • Tired, anxious, and afraid in one’s day-to-day life
  • Never feeling good enough, despite how hard one tries
  • Struggling to find your higher purpose
  • Fighting against bad habits that are pulling you down against your will
  • Craving clarity and healing from your difficult past
It doesn’t have to be this way.
There is a life filled with clarity, purpose, joy and love for you.

When people are drawn to working with me, I hear a similar story…

I’ve been where you are. And I've seen the other side. I'm Robbie.

There was a point where God stopped my world. Everything crumbled around me, and I was lost, broken, and alone.

When I needed it most, my prayers were answered.

I traveled the world, and I sat with elders & healers from many walks of life.
They were shamans, energy workers, carriers of Plant Medicine, holders of ancient wisdom…

I worked hard for years, I learned, and I prayed.

From the ashes of my life, I found bliss, joy, and love.

When I came out the other end, I dedicated my life to helping others find the joy that I found, without their world collapsing.

I share what was shared with me, to help you live the beautiful life you know is possible.

Read My Story

Everything I share is from my own firsthand experiences…

How I Work With People

My life’s work is dedicated to helping people find freedom, liberation and healing, so that they can live an empowered and purposeful life.

The Power of God & Spirit are the True guides in our work together. My service is in surrender to that higher power.


    Watch Robbie’s Content

    Discover and connect with Robbie through his content, where he shares freely.


    “The 7 Principles” Group Training

    The Foundational Training: Learn how to live a Spiritual Way of life, that is grounded in Love, Joy & Peace.

    Group Training

    1:1 Energy Work & Mentorship

    Receive personal guidance, healing, and practices on your journey of healing, awakening and liberation.

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Get Started

When we put in the “work”, our life will change.
Do you feel ready for a new life?

People sometimes come to Spirituality expecting an easy quick fix. Magic is real. But white magic does not work like this. For miraculous and magical healing to take place, we are asked to change the way we live… and “do the work”. People are drawn here because they are facing real problems in their lives. Anxiety, depression, addictions, and trauma. These things stop our world. The work and effort to heal is worth it. 

The actions we take today, define our future life


Your Past

How things have been before, for many of my past clients & students.
  • Struggling to feel connected to Spirit
  • Lost, empty, without purpose
  • Weighed down by the pain of the past
  • Unable to let go of bad habits
  • Afraid, unsure, insecure


Your Future

The transformation that occurs, for those who are willing to “do the work”.
  • Confidently feeling and communicating with Spirit
  • Full of clarity and strong direction
  • Burdens lifted, feeling free and ready for life
  • Cultivating good habits, naturally and easily
  • Courageous, bold, and open-hearted

Expose Your Life's Blindspots

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